Today's Contents
Just The Facts:
- EIB approves €450 million for district heating, hydropower plants in Ukraine
- Ukrainian Railways asks bondholders to delay $83 million of coupon payments
- Zavalivsky Graphite, Ukraine's sole graphite miner, shuts down due to energy costs and outdated equipment
- Japan to establish Coordination Council for Ukraine's reconstruction
- Norway to give NOK1 billion to 7 Norwegian humanitarian organizations in Ukraine
- UNDP and the German government develop plan to rebuild 11 Ukrainian schools
Here's What They Think:
- Foreign Policy: Trump should exclude Ukraine from initial phase of peace talks
- CSIS: Ukraine's allies must escalate support to Kyiv to force Putin into negotiations
- OMFIF: Putin's diplomatic leverage weaker than perceived
Sober Second Thought:
- 91% of Ukrainian refugees plan to voluntarily return in the long term, IOM study finds