The Ukrainian government has launched a data platform designed by global professional services firm Marsh McLennan to help investors and insurers gauge the risk of acts of war in Ukrainian communities.
The platform, available starting today at, gathers data from the military, police and other sources to create maps showing missile strikes, drone attacks and other acts of war since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February of last year.
Currently, the platform shows 76 percent of Ukrainian communities suffered no attacks in the first nine months of this year, and 66% have not been attacked at all since the invasion started, Marsh McLennan said in a press release.
The firm, which has worked pro bono since June in an effort to help the Ukrainian government "unlock access to the global insurance market," said the platform is the first of its kind.
Marsh McLennan is pushing for Ukraine and G7 governments to create a war risk insurance pool via a multinational public-private partnership to insure investors seeking to help rebuild Ukraine.