Ukrainian Agribusiness Club and UCABEvent agency

11:00 - 11:05
Welcoming word
Alex Lissitsa, President of Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB)
11:05 - 11:20 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Nazar Bobitski, Head of the UCAB EU office
Kick-off remarks
11:20 - 12:20 Panel Discussion
- Taras Vysotskyi, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine
- Olga Shevchenko, food safety expert, former Chairman, Ukraine State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection
- Oleksandra Avramenko, chair, European Integration Committee, UCAB
- Paul-Henri Lava, Deputy Secretary General, European Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade (AVEC)
- Manon Dubois, Policy Advisor, poultry sector, European Federation of Farmers and Agricooperatives (COPA COGECA)
- Svitlana Kataitseva, Head of Export Department "Agro-Oven" (a Ukrainian poultry company)
12:20 - 12:30 Q&As from an online audience.
12:20 - 12:30 - Alex Lissitsa, President of UCAB, concluding remarks.