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70% of Ukrainians believe economic boom will follow war with Russia, survey shows

Some 70% of Ukrainians believe their country will undergo an economic boom when the war ends, led by a foreign investment boom during reconstruction and reparations by Russia, according to a study by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).

When asked whether they thought Ukraine will see rapid economic growth, for example of 5-7% per year, after the war, 69.7% of respondents said yes, while 2..2% said no and 10.1% said it's "hard to say."

Of the total 2.014 adults included in the survey, 48.5% of respondents said they expect rapid growth to ensue 3-5 years after the war and 21.2% said they expect it 1-2 years after the war, the survey shows.

When asked to name the top sources of rapid economic growth after the war, 29.2% cited entrepreneurs and foreign investors, while 27.1% cited reparations by Russia and the return of property seized by Russian forces. Some 19.1% said they believed Ukrainian entrepreneurs would drive the rapid growth and 8.9% cited soft loans and charity from the West.

KIIS carried out the survey between Sept 11 and Oct 11 2023 for the study, based on a random sample of mobile numbers. The survey, which excluded Ukrainians in Russia-held territory, as a 2.4% margin of error.

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